Flu season is well underway and it’s spreading quickly. In the 2023/2024 flu season, immunization rates were not great. Only 32% of adults between the ages of 18 and 49 got a flu shot while 69% of adults 65 or older did. With the lower immunization rates, an estimated 40 million people got the flu, and about 28,000 deaths were attributed to the yearly flu.
So far in 2024 and 2025, between 5.3 and 9.3 million Americans are estimated to have had the flu. Between 63,000 and 140,000 ended up hospitalized. Cases began spiking the week after Christmas, which isn’t surprising as it’s right after large holiday parties and family gatherings.
While it’s best to get your flu shot before flu season gets underway, it’s never too late to get a flu shot. It’s the best way to avoid severe symptoms and complications. If you find yourself sick with the flu, make sure you know when to visit a Premium Urgent Care in Fresno to avoid being hospitalized.
Explore the Different Symptoms of the Flu and Their Severity
A cough is one of the most common symptoms of the flu, but there are others. If you have a fever, feel achy, have a headache, or just can’t seem to stay awake, those are all common flu symptoms. Generally, rest, drinking plenty of liquids, and over-the-counter pain relievers are enough to get you through it.
Vomiting and diarrhea are not common signs of the flu in adults. They’re often caused by stomach viruses like norovirus. Kids are more likely to experience those symptoms with the flu.
If you have chronic health conditions like COPD, diabetes, or heart disease, the flu can be extremely serious. It’s best to start an antiviral medication as soon as you realize you have the flu. If you wait more than a couple of days, the medications are unlikely to help. Go to urgent care if you suspect you have the flu and it’s only been a day or two.
You may feel you can fight it on your own. Many people do. If you’ve decided to let your body fight it, make sure you’re watching for more severe symptoms that signal the urgent need for medical care. These symptoms include:
- Chest discomfort (pain or pressure)
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty waking up
- Fever over 102.2ºF
- Persistent lightheadedness
- Seizures
- Weakness that worsens
If you find several days have passed and you’re getting worse rather than better, go to urgent care. It’s better to err on the side of caution than to wait too long and need hospitalization.
Children and teens may have additional symptoms that you need to watch for. If you notice your child’s lips are bluish or have a gray tinge, seek medical care immediately. Other emergency flu symptoms are often linked to dehydration, but all of these require an urgent care visit.
- Crying without tears being produced
- Dry, cracked lips
- Fever that eases and suddenly returns or a fever that continues to worsen
- Lack of urination
- Rapid breathing
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea that doesn’t ease
Dehydration is one reason the flu can be dangerous, but there are two others to consider. Pneumonia is one of them and is more likely to occur in children, people with chronic health conditions, or the elderly.
Pneumonia is caused by inflammation within the lungs. Air sacs fill with liquids and pus, which impedes the lungs’ ability to send oxygen to the bloodstream. Common symptoms of pneumonia include:
- Chest pain, often stabbing pains
- Cough with mucus that’s white, yellow, or green
- Difficulty breathing
- Extreme fatigue
- High fever
- Wheezing sound when breathing
Sepsis is a dangerous condition that occurs when the body’s reaction to an infection is too intense. It can happen with a virus, bacterial infection, or fungal infection. Sepsis impacts the organs and tissues and can kill you. The signs of sepsis are:
- Cold extremities like the hands and feet
- Exhaustion
- High fever
- Rapid heart rate
- Shortness of breath
- Slurred speech
What’s the Best Course of Treatment?
Ideally, you want to get a flu shot in early October. It takes several days for your immunities to build after receiving the vaccination. Time it so that your body’s immunities are built up before flu season picks up.
Keep in mind that the flu shot is an educated guess of what strains of the virus will be prevalent. There’s always a chance that a different strain will hit. No matter what strain does happen, you gain some protection that can lessen the severity of your symptoms. That’s why a flu shot is so important. It may not offer a 100% guarantee against getting the flu, but it can lessen your chances of ending up in the hospital.
If you believe you have the flu, drink plenty of water, herbal tea, hot lemon water, and fruit smoothies or juice to ensure you stay hydrated. Antioxidant-rich fruits like berries and oranges support your immune system as it fights the virus.
The main reason to ensure you remain hydrated is that the extra water helps thin the mucus your body produces. Mucus is important as it traps germs, which is an important part of fighting the flu. However, that mucus is also stickier and thick. You know when you get a bad cough that expels chunks of mucus? Your body’s immune system is doing its job, but you can help it by drinking as much fluid as possible.
Understanding California’s Flu Season
Like much of the U.S., California’s flu season tends to start in October and peak in February. While it may reach its highest counts by the time spring arrives, it is possible to see flu activity remain well into May. If you have the flu, make sure you go to an urgent care in Fresno if you’re having difficulty breathing, struggle to drink enough water to stay hydrated, or experience tightness in your chest.
Fresno County hasn’t had any influenza associated deaths at this point, but there have been 89 deaths in the state, and one of them was a child. You need to protect yourself and your family by making sure you get proper care before your symptoms worsen.
A flu shot provides about six months of protection. This is why it’s best to get your vaccination in late-September/early-October. But, you should consider getting vaccinated now if you haven’t. Some protection is better than risking severe or even fatal complications.
Premium Urgent Care offers extended hours during the week and is open on weekends. If you have the flu, check in before you arrive. Our staff can help you determine whether your symptoms are severe enough to require hospitalization or if an antiviral medication can help you recover faster in the comfort of your home.