Fresno Urgent Care

Fresno Office

1069 E Champlain Drive
Fresno, CA 93720

Our office is located on E Champlain near E Perrin


Office hoursThis office is closed for lunch daily from 1-2pm
Monday9:00am - 4:15pm
Last walk-in 4:15pm
Tuesday9:00am - 4:15pm
Last walk-in 4:15pm
Wednesday9:00am - 4:15pm
Last walk-in 4:15pm
Thursday9:00am - 4:15pm
Last walk-in 4:15pm
Friday9:00am - 4:15pm
Last walk-in 4:15pm

If you are experiencing chest pains or any serious medical emergency CALL 911 or go the the nearest emergency room

Urgent Care in Fresno

Premium Urgent Care is now open at 1069 E Champlain Drive, Fresno, CA.   Like our other offices in Clovis, Fresno & Selma we treat all types of injuries and illnesses to ensure better health for you and your family.